Backlog refinement: before, during and after
Planning block. Session 1
It is a process of reviewing BLs and selecting stories for future sprints.
Key thing to focus on during Refinement:
- ask questions / clarify each story
- estimate story points / time (size of a story can be based on Fibonacci numbers: 0,1,2,3,5,8,13..)
Length: between 45 minutes to 1 hour
Regularity: once in a sprint cycle
Participants: PO and related to epic / stories stakeholders
Before the Backlog refinement meeting must have
- The User stories are ready and prioritised (based on product vision / goal)
- Demand-based plan for next sprint
ProTip: Select the scope (2–3 for each developer) and go through it
3. Definition of Ready & Acceptance criteria
During the refinement
- Open up each user story and go through: Acceptance criteria, Wireframe, Business logic etc
- Address Engineering questions on XF Dependencies, doubts, requirements
- Adjust if breaking down required (use INVEST framework)
4. Be ready to put something on hold if uncertainties arise (Spike)
Use the tool for story points estimation exercise in a group.
After the Refinement
- Send minutes of meetings (list of Stories)
- Backlog Health report:
- all refined user stories (acceptance criteria)
- dependencies (UX wireframes, APIs..)
- anything requiring clarification
First example:
- Started with the brief of the project
- Listed Epics. First epic is New account creation
It has 6 user stories within it.
After the whole team gone through the stories with
- clarifications & questions
- adding some criteria in and taking some off
- moved to later to “clarify from stakeholders”
The group was broken down into pizza teams to grinder into sub-tasks and estimate the time. This user story required 24 hours i.e. 3 days.
Second example
An Epic: New account creation
User story: As a regular user of a mental health app, I want to contact customer support team to get my issue addressed.
Acceptance criteria:
- A user can sign in to the mobile app
- The user can navigate to the contact / support page
- The user can choose between call, chat or email options to receive support (available 24*7 for emergency)
- The user can get their simple issues addressed via chat bot
- A user can contact the support via call
- A user is able to request a call if waiting time is too long
- A user can opt in to request a callback
- A user can leave a feedback of their support after being in contact with them (another Epic)
- Language options (future sprints)
A child issue:
- Track the status [4 hours]
- User verification (DoB, address) [6]
- Validate the issue (for existing ticket or possible dependencies) [8]
- Log the callback status / request with any details [10]
- Define and implement RESOLVED status [4]
- Implement CANCELLED status for service request [4]
A question to readers or for my own further research:
- Can this be the only prioritisation you do +new batch from feedback loop?
- How do I size the impact so it’s generally accepted practice?
Credit: ScrumGuide