Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts!

Welcome to my corner of the digital universe. 🚀

For over eight stellar years, I've been navigating the exciting realm of product management right within the vibrant tech scene of the UK. 🇬🇧

Now, I've hitched my wagon to Clarity, where I'm offering personalised 1-2-1 sessions over Zoom. Ready to dive deep into the intricacies of product management? Let's connect and explore together. 🔍

Curious about the tools and resources that power my product management journey? Look no further! I've curated all my favourite tools in one convenient place. Check out the toolbox here. 🔧

But wait, there's more! Dive into my treasure trove of product management wisdom over on Notion. It's like a digital library, meticulously organized just for you. 📚

Stay in the loop, follow me for more updates, insights, and tech adventures! Let's make waves in the world of product management together. 🌊

Catch you on the flip side! 👋

Connect with Ayub Yanturin
Ayub Yanturin

Ayub Yanturin

Product development is both a science and an art. At Productology, I focus on the science of product development.